Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Not Why I'm Here

Things This Blog Does Not Seek To Do:
(Any of the following statements can be followed up with the phrase: “…that’s not why I’m here”)

To turn you into a good girl or a lady…
“well-behaved women rarely make history.”
Neither Ruth nor Rahab nor Esther were particularly well-behaved.

To tell you exactly how to be a perfect Christian…
I can’t tell you because I don’t know. I’m just trying to do the best I can with what I have. The blog is called Almost 31 Women because I know what the standard is, but I also know I haven’t reached it yet. All we can do is strive.

To tell you why I’m right and you’re wrong…
I’m wrong a lot. I just believe that God works my mistakes out into victories.

To do Biblical and theological apologetics…
If your beliefs are set a certain way, only God can change you, not me.  But there will be times when I will explain something really in-depth.

To keep it clean and neat and tidy…
I keep it REAL only, and sometimes that’s dirty, ugly, or unattractive.

To keep you single…
We all want love that lasts a lifetime. I don’t begrudge anyone that. I also don’t think you should spend all of your time caring about that.  And I know that I know that I know that it’s infinitely more difficult to find the right man when you are not the right woman. I believe in working on self first.

To get you married…
I have never had a relationship longer than 4 months. I can’t help myself get married, much less you.

To push a political agenda…
I deal with politics on najjustiz.tumblr.com…but I’m trying to keep that stuff at a minimum in general.

To promote natural hair or healthy-living…
I have natural hair and I believe in healthy living. I am also clinically overweight. I believe that God cares about our health, but not our body type. I am active so that I have the energy to play with my baby cousins and live a long, successful life.  God promised us 120 years. I think it’d be awesome to make it all the way.  I am here to promote swag at any shape or size. I am here to tell you are beautiful no matter what.

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