It's Monday, Sept. 9! Go weigh and measure yourself and sign up at Send an email to and check out my cousin's blog for all the info.
If you want to see my thoughts and feelings on the process, look at . I'm not going to post them here.
If you have 10 mins, watch this video. If not, just do the steps I said above. This video is from last week, but don't be alarmed by the date. Just watch and join us!
Mistakes: Sept. 9 to Dec 30 is 15 weeks - two weeks longer than Shaklee's Turnaround program. Also, the metabolic boosting supplement is taken thrice daily, not once.
NOTE: You can - and I would love you to - join this challenge even without buying any product. But if you want product, I have some! And it's what I'm using.
Please pause for a break in our regularly scheduled programming.
I am not done with the identity series. I still want to tell you about womanhood and being a writer. Unfortunately I need to first tell you about race and "the N word"...BUT before all that.....
If there was one more thing I wanted to do by the end of the year, it would be lose several pounds. I know I talk about health on here a lot, and you're probably like: "why doesn't she get it together already?" But I am trying. I am a busy busy woman.
But thanks to my sweet cousin Autumn, over at My Fat 2 Fit Life, I am ready to go full speed ahead. And I think you should join me. Check out this video.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please let me know.